Monday, January 21, 2008

My first post

So, here it goes! I have been thinking about a blog for over a year now. What really kept me from starting one was the name. Everyone has cute and clever blog names, and I just could not think of one. Nicknames have never really stuck to me, and when I was yearbook editor, I was never the one to come up with the captions on the pictures. I love words, but witty names and remarks have never been my strong suit. Back in 1995 when we first got AOL, I chose JillyB3 as my screen name (because JillyB was already taken and I liked how the "three" rhymed). I certainly had no idea that I would have been better off picking something more clever, since the name would be with me for so long.

So after months and months of agonizing over names, I finally decided that I should just stick to my own real first name. It may not be original, but it is me, nothing fake, nothing false, nothing forced.

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